Sunday 17 November 2013


The Mezquita!

Cordoba pays graceful testament to it's Moorish past with its Mezquita (Mosque) being one of Spain's highlights whose history can be traced back to its Visigoth origins.


The Mosque was begun in the 8th century after the Islamic invasion of Cordoba. It's enlargement by subsequent generations ensured its role as the most important sanctuary of Western Islam. Cordoba was re conquered by the Christians in the 13th century and in the 16th century a Catholic cathedral was built right in the centre of the mosque!

The inside is a mesmerising sequence of two-tier arches amid a thicket of columns. Words can't really begin to describe its immense grandness.




Equally impressive is the adjacent Alcázar de Los Reyes Cristianos (Fortress of the Christian Monarchs) with its huge, beautifully laid out gardens which rival those at the Alhambra in Granada.


David had a quick visit to the Inquisition museum - photos are very gruesome. The cruelty inflicted on people in the name of the Church and with the aim of filling the coffers with ill-gotten gains is quite unbelievable!


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